The Ups and Downs of Noveling (in GIFs)

Hello, blog readers! I went to the SCBWI LA summer conference a couple of weeks ago. It was amazing and I plan to share the highlights here soon. I just haven’t yet found the time.

That’s because the conference was the kick in the butt I needed to write my second middle grade novel. The one I’ve been meaning to write for 6 months or so. So the past two weeks have been just a bit busy for me. Like writing-21,000-words-in-14-days busy.

Because all of my free time (and energy) is going toward getting that novel finished, I don’t have much to share today. Instead, I figured I’d gift you my recent writing life in the form of GIFs. I hope you can relate. Enjoy!

When my characters won’t cooperate (or when I try to make them cooperate):


When a character FINALLY reveals her internal struggle:


When the words just won’t string themselves together:


When I fail to meet my daily word count:


After I write a kajillion words:


When a scene pops into my head out of nowhere:


Noveling expectation:


Noveling reality:


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