Conference Magic

A conference hangover is the best kind of hangover. On the heels of SCBWI OC Writers Day, I find myself full of energy. It happens after every conference—I get doused with this magic that makes me want to keep on keeping on with my craft, no matter how exhausted or busy I am.

That magic helped me complete a final read-through of my middle grade novel before I soon send it off to agents. Not only that, I’m ready to start my next novel. You know that middle grade horror story I’ve wanted to write since earlier this year? Just this past week, an idea sparked and I can’t stop thinking about it.

Yep, that productivity is the result of conference fairy dust, people. And every time I leave another SCBWI event, I walk away with that magic sprinkled atop my shoulders.

To maximize my experience, these are the things I do at events. I encourage you to try one or two at the next conference you attend.

  1. Temper your expectations. Walk in expecting to learn, learn, learn. I’m not saying you can’t expect an agent or editor to swoon over your work, but remember that this industry is competitive. The more open you are to other ideas, the more you grow.
  2. Be friendly. Like you, many of the other attendees are breaking from their writer bubbles. It can be difficult to step out of your comfort zone, but making friends can lead to new critique partners, submission opportunities, and more. Plus, kidlit writers are the nicest people on the planet.
  3. Listen for the nuggets. Even if you’ve attended many conferences and have heard the same topics covered again and again, be receptive. The speakers have valuable insight that could propel you forward in some way.
  4. Pay for the extras if you can. Industry-expert feedback on your work is SO valuable. Take advantage of that manuscript critique or pitch session. Who knows, it could be a door to something great if your piece resonates with even one person.

What do you do to capture that conference magic?

Celebrations and Inspirations

It feels good to be back on the blog! The past five weeks have been busy to say the least. Not only have I been settling into my new digs and working on a massive project at work, I’ve also been writing my second middle grade novel. And after spending hundreds of hours clacking away on my laptop with film scores buzzing in my ears (I can’t listen to music with words when I write), I’VE FINALLY FINISHED THE DRAFT.

Where’s the champagne?

I’ve still got a long way to go with revising and fine-tuning, but first drafts are my least favorite. Ever. So this is yuuuge.

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The Beauty of Glimmers

Writer’s retreats are beautiful things, my friends. Especially those put on by the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators.

This weekend I attended the SCBWI Orange County Spring Writer’s Retreat in Temecula. I filled my notebook with insight and tips from editors and an agent. I enjoyed the intimate experience of a small event. And I soaked up Southern California wine country.

But of all that happened this weekend, I experienced three—count ’em, three—unforgettable, happy-dance-inducing, I’m-freaking-out-inside, WOW moments:

Continue reading “The Beauty of Glimmers”

Keep Shooting: Inspiration from Kwame Alexander

Last Thursday, I hesitated for a few seconds in front of the blue mailbox in my neighborhood. I held an enveloped copy of my latest picture book manuscript in my hand and wondered, is it good enough?

In October, SCBWI SoCal is hosting an Editor’s Day and I can’t wait to attend. I’ve been so energized and productive since SCBWI LA 2015 a few weeks ago and I know this upcoming event will keep my writing flame burning bright. I signed up for an individual manuscript critique with an editor at Editor’s Day. This takes my writing to a whole new level—someone outside of my immediate family and writer friends will read and critique my story. It’ll be read by an industry professional.

Continue reading “Keep Shooting: Inspiration from Kwame Alexander”

Anything is Possible (or my thoughts on SCBWI LA 2015)

Possibilities, possibilities, possibilities! That’s my one-word description of the 2015 SCBWI Los Angeles Summer Conference.  Oh the places I know I can go!

As a first-time attendee, I didn’t know what to expect. I did my research and talked to writers who attended in previous years. I read and heard nothing but “You’re going to love it” and “You’ll be so inspired” and “Children’s book people are the kindest people you’ll ever meet!”  I figured I would enjoy myself, leave with a story idea or two, and maybe meet a new friend. Little did I know that my expectations would be met and multiplied by ten!

Continue reading “Anything is Possible (or my thoughts on SCBWI LA 2015)”